How to Squash Your Imposter Syndrome

A good friend said to me the other day:

“I lead a team now, but I realize I never really learned how to lead a team. I feel like an imposter all the time, but would never, ever, admit that at work.”

After years of working in HR, I too have come to realize how many people have found their way into leadership and, in some way or another, allude to feeling like they are winging it when it comes to people leadership. They also don’t really know what to do about it.

Leadership isn’t easily boiled down to a cut and dry “do this, do that” formula. It’s messy and situational, because human beings are complex creatures, of course. Even the best Leadership Development Programs can’t always prepare you for the real world of leading in reality.

So, what can we do when we step into a leadership role but feel like an imposter deep down?

  1. Trust yourself. You were granted your role as a leader for a reason. You add value. Think about your strengths and capabilities, and what makes you shine at work. Lean into those elements of who you are.

  2. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. No leader is perfect, and even the most seasoned executives likely stumbled a few times on the way to the top. Ditch perfectionism and embrace every challenge, setback, and mistake as an opportunity for learning and growth.

  3. Be vulnerable. Guess what? You don’t have to know everything, or be omniscient in the business world. Admit when you don’t have an answer. Seek out guidance from others around you. Open up to your team when you need their help. Trust is built in these moments.

  4. Lead with authenticity. Trying to customize who you are to every person. you meet or every situation you come across will exhaust you. Deeply understand who you are as a leader and choose to show up authentically as who you are, with the willingness to hear feedback and shape yourself over time.

Remember: leadership is a journey. In the early days of your leadership career, it can be natural to feel like you’re just getting your feet wet. You probably are! Leadership is a skill that is continuously honed, perfected, and mastered. Give yourself the 10,000 hours you need to become a seasoned pro, and enjoy every step of the ride!


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